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Our Company was Invited to Do Training about Regulating Equipment for PetroChina Western and EasternThe time of publication:2015-08-14 The number of visits:2420 The article source:原创
From August 3 to 6,2015, at the invitation of PetroChina Western and Eastern Gas Pipeline Company (PetroChina West-East Gas Pipeline Company), Li Dongming, Vice President of Better Fluid Control Valve Company, had been assigned to do training for the front-line station operators from Sebei-Xining-Lanzhou Ping’an Distribution Station and Xuedian Distribution Station of West to East Gas Pipeline. 16 operators attended this training from seven branches of Western Gas Pipeline Company. The seven branches included Lanzhou, Jiuquan, Dushanzi, Urumchi, Xinjiang, Gansu and Talimu. 20 operators attended this training from 20 Distribution Stations& 10 Management Offices of Eastern Gas Pipeline Company, which were Yinchuan, Ganshan, Zhengzhou, Hefei, Su-Zhe-Hu, Subei, Zhejiang, Wuhan, Nanchang and Xiamen. This training course integrated station regulating equipment ‘s theory with practice and promote every station operator’s professional skill. This training was successfully completed and highly appreciated by Petrochina Company.
BEST ENERGY EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. Tel:+86 22 22193891/92/93