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Our Technical Expert Groups Participated in WGCPARIS2015The time of publication:2015-06-10 The number of visits:2297 The article source:原创
The 26th World Gas Conference (WGCPARIS2015) took place in Paris, France, from 1 to 5 June, 2015, with the theme “Growing together towards a friendly planet”. This Conference was organized and held by the International Gas Union (IGU), undertook by France’s TOTAL and Suez’s ENGIE, and attended by more than 5000 government officials, energy companies’ decision makers, industry specialists from 100 countries all over the world. The exhibition attracted more than 350 exhibitors, which was held during this Conference. CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), Sinopec, CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation) had also appointed a senior team of nearly hundred delegations to participate in the Conference.
Mr. Fan Junkang, our chief engineer, led technical expert-group to the Conference. They made a positive investigation and good exchanges about “the company's core technology’s upgrading continuously”, “main products’ continuous improvement”, “extensive cooperation with famous international manufacturers in the future”, etc.
This Conference concentrated and discussed on the four main lines, “NATURAL GAS AS A CORE PILLAR FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE OF THE PLANET”, “GAS, RENEWABLES AND ELECTRICITY: TOGETHER A PERFECT COMBINATION”, “NATURAL GAS AS A GROWTH FACTOR FOR NEW ECONOMIES”, “HUMAN CAPITAL FOR THE FUTURE OF THE GAS INDUSTRY”. And several thematic sessions were held about “World gas outlooks to 2035”, “An assessment of global resources and reserves”, “Sustainable use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) ”, etc.
About WGCPARIS2015 Since 1931, the International Gas Union has been organizing the World Gas Conference once every three years. The triennial World Gas Conference and Exhibition is the biggest and most important global gas industry event, attracting 4,000 delegates. The conference programme will be presented by more than 500 speakers who will discuss the latest industry developments with information on policies, strategies and new technologies.
About IGU The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded in 1931. It is a worldwide non-profit organization whose objective is to promote the technical and economic progress of the global gas industry. The members of the IGU are associations and entities of the gas industries in 77 countries which account for over 95% of the natural gas traded around the world, and maintain very close ties with many other international energy organizations. It consists a total of 118 members, of which 78 are charter members and 40 are associate members.
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